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Friday Harbor, WA

(360) 298-6969

We create and sale one-of-a-kind, handmade wooden kaleidoscopes.


Our Creative Team

Noah, Luc and Sallie Durette (left to right)

Noah, Luc and Sallie Durette (left to right)

The Durette Family

After 35 years of kaleidoscope design, Luc and Sallie Durette have embraced their place in the kaleidoscope community as masters of mixed media.  Their kaleidoscope exteriors have evolved through various combinations of wood, glass, metals, ceramics, and acrylic lacquers.  Equally dynamic, their interiors have evolved from stained glass wheels, to chambers showcasing objects as diverse as tumbling dried flowers, exotic, imported beads, exquisitely detailed flame-worked glass and brilliantly colored hand-coiled wires.  Eminently successful in blending optical engineering and sculpted art into functional beauty, Luc and Sallie are always looking toward new horizons, new experiences, and new designs.  From simple handheld scopes to sophisticated and complex table and floor standing models, their work is powerful and evocative.

Luc graduated from the University of Notre Dame ('83), with a degree in Biology, and completed three years of post-graduate work in the sciences.  This education, combined with his woodworking and glass skills, lends precision and innovation to their award-winning kaleidoscopes.  Sallie is responsible for behind the scenes work and marketing, she enjoys working with Luc to come up with the fresh ideas that keep Kaleidoscope Artistry alive.  Luc and Sallie were recipients of the very first People’s Choice Award in 1993 for Favorite Kaleidoscope; in 1996 for Most Innovative Kaleidoscope; and in 2004 for a Second Place Award.  In August of 2017 they have added three old-fashioned, homespun awards to their shelf - the San Juan County Fair Business Class Best of Class, Best of Show, and an iconic Blue Ribbon, for one of their handheld scopes.

The Durettes are living and working in Friday Harbor, Washington on beautiful San Juan Island. Their son Noah is pursuing a career in Aviation.